I was beginning to think that I had found the end of the internet.
I started using Twitter to find interesting people who share my dedication to making something better for the audience and businesses in the media and marketing industry. By interesting I mean people who inspire, whom I could learn from, who just make me laugh. I quickly developed an eye for those who seemed interesting but really are trying to sell something that they "wish" would be better but really is the same old stuff.
At the same time I tried Facebook where friends (non-business acquaintances) started networking with me. I didn't go out and look for them. They came to me. Quickly my "universe" became a hodge podge of people to whom I couldn't communicate with unilaterally (in fact I inadvertantly and legitimately offended someone because a "baudy" response I made to a friend ended up being seen by their grandchildren).
So I spend most of my time on Twitter or LinkedIn and dropped Facebook entirely .
When I first started using Twitter, I was making new discoveries of interesting people with ease. But lately, not so much. When Twitter added the new feature: "Who to Follow" they were people I had already nixed because they are selling the SOS. So I thought I had found the end of the internet.
But today "Bad Life Decisions" started following me and I checked them out. Not so many people follow them, (one must be rather brave to click on something that says "Bad Life Decisions") but when you go to their website you realize that an awful lot of interesting stories start with a "BLD". In fact, when you think about it, all your favorite movies and tv shows and books pivot around "BLDs". Sometimes they are uncomfortable and sometimes they are cliche. But fundamentally, it is the "BLDs" that make life interesting. Here's their "mission statement":
". . . we created badlifedecisions.com. Because sometimes you puke on the girl you like. Sometimes you go out to a diner at 3 AM and get mugged by a homeless man. Sometimes having fun means making the choice that’s Bad. . . 'Give us your tired, your poor, your hilarious memories yearning to breath free, the wretched refuse of your teeming life. . .'"
This is the kind of community I find interesting. One with people who actually make decisions and take actions that serendipitously leads to a story worth telling! Something tells me these people aren't spending a ton of time browsing social networks for old friends they lost touch with, or, becoming "fans" of brand pages.
How about you?